Castor Biofuel
Developing AGF Hybrid Castor cultivation for biodiesel production has the two-fold environmental benefit of growing trees that store carbon while producing oil for fuel.
It will grow on land not fit for food crops. No direct competition with existing farmland as it can be grown on degraded and marginal land.
As a confident source of biodiesel has high oil content (> 50%) and can grow on malnourished soils.
The main advantages of AGF Hybrid Castor is that the higher recovery and quality of oil. It is easy to grow and is resistant to drought.
Great opportunity for agricultural development in arid and impoverished areas throughout the tropics and sub tropics globally.
An unintended but important advantage to a castor bean project is that the plants absorb carbon dioxide, thereby reducing greenhouse gas accumulations in the atmosphere. The estimated carbon dioxide absorption level of castor bean plants is 34.6 tonnes per hectare, with two growing cycles per year.
Castor oil is the best substance for producing Biodiesel because it is the only one that is soluble in alcohol, and does not require heat and the consequent energy requirement of other vegetable oils in transforming them into fuel.
AGF Hybrid Castor yields seeds that contains >50% oil, which is rich in triglycerides, mainly ricinolein and provides a great natural resource for Biodiesel production.