Hybrid Castor Seeds AGF-V

Hybrid Castor AGF-V Research

Brief Morphological & Genetic Description of Hybrid Castor AGF-V

Character AGF

Stem Colour

 Bloom  Double

Type of Internodes


Branching Pattern


Plant height

Medium Tall

Leaf Shape


Hairness on Leaf


Type of flowers on Primary spike


Spike Size & arrangement of capsules on spike

Medium & Semi – Compact

Spinyness of Capsule

 Seed Size & Shape  Medium Bold & Oval
 Seed Colour  Light brown
 Days to 50% Flowering  56 – 65 days
 Days to maturity(first picking)  110 -115 days
 Number of nodes to primary raceme  18 – 20
 Plant Height upto base of primary raceme(cm)  65 – 75cm
 Days to maturity (first picking)  31-32 grams
 Number of nodes to primary raceme  49.5 – 51%
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